Thursday, July 19, 2012

You'll Be On Your Way Up

"Meet me in St. Louie, Louie..."

We did not go to the fair, but we did go to the Arch.  When we were seated in our pod to go to the top I said to Rich that I felt like Mork.  He agreed and the kids had no idea of what we were laughing about.  God, I feel old!!!  The Arch really is an architectural wonder.  I found it so fascinating reading about the design and construction of it.  The builders had to be extremely precise in their measurements.  The view from the top was so cool.  Since it was a clear day we could see for miles.  Then back into our pod we went for the quick journey down.

After the Arch we walked over to Busch Stadium to get a peek inside.  Unfortunately the Cardinals were on the road and we couldn't see them play.  Maggie had a great time putting her Mets hat on all the statues in the plaza outside the stadium.

At this point we were all close to melting.  I think the temperature had to be at least 100.  Rich was leaving that afternoon so he suggested I just take him the the airport early and then go get lunch with the kids.  No issues in getting to the airport and then Maggie took over as navigator.  She found a mall for us to go to for lunch (we needed the air conditioning.  I also think she had hopes that there would be a bookstore.  And there was- she needed the new Artemis Fowl book.)  

For our adventures after lunch, please read Maggie's entry.  Just as an aside- the neighborhood, while quite rundown, was perfectly safe in daylight.  I don't think I would have ventured there by myself at night.  Upon returning to the hotel the boys had a swim and we called it a night.

The next day after checking out of the hotel we headed to City Museum.  This place was neat.  It is basically a huge playground for kids of all ages.  All of the exhibits are made from found and recycled materials.  There are tunnels, bridges, slides- anything and everything you can think of, and it is all meant to be a hands on experience for everyone.  I will admit that I did not climb around as much as the kids.  I was afraid that 1. I would get stuck and 2. due to my lack of grace I would break my camera.  I did go down one of the huge slides they have and it was a lot of fun.  We also made snowflakes and played the piano.  

Next up was seeing the Cathedral Basilica- part deux.  WE found it much easier than the previous day and even snagged a free parking spot,  When we walked in noon mass was in progress so we sat quietly in the back until it ended.  Ian's first words upon entering the church were "It's amazing."  Amazing it is.  It really reminded me of some of the grand churches I have seen in Europe.  You can definitely add here to my list of recommended places to visit.

Up next, heading to Indianapolis on our way to Michigan.


  1. Hey sue, these places you visited are amazing. Your kids are really good travellers i must say! I was truly entertained by this blog. I just googled it up since i never got to ask you before you left. :) can't wait for the nxt

    1. Cristine- I added you to my notification list, so as I update you should get a notice. I'm glad you are enjoying it- only a week to go and we'll be back!
