Friday, July 6, 2012

You Have Brains in Your Head! You Have Feet in Your Shoes!

I know it's been a while- but haven't had the chance to update until now.

We are currently in a hotel near the Mall of America.  Everyone else is still sleeping but me.  Before I update on the actual trip I wanted to document a few lessons learned already:

1.  When planning to go to Canada- make sure you pack the passports!  Luckily I realized that we forgot them before Rich joined us and he brought them.   We discovered the mistake as we were arriving at my sister's house.   Despite the multitude of lists (and those that know me will know there were many), and the discussions with friends (thanks Sharon and Eileen!)  passports never made it on.

2.  I packed entirely wrong for this trip.  Advice to everyone- when you are planning a long road trip with a lot of stops- DO NOT have everyone pack their own suitcase.  Instead, put a few changes for each person in smaller bags.  That way when you get to your next destination you do not need to completely unpack the car every time.

3.  If going to an afternoon game at Miller Field in Milwaukee- and it is 100 degrees out- sit on right field.  At least you will get some shade.  We were fortunate enough to have seats there but I feel bad for the people in left field- that had to be wilting in the sun.

OK- back to the trip.  As I said- we are now in Minnesota.  I left Lake Villa, IL yesterday morning.  While there we took the kids bowling- it was way too hot to go to Great America.  We also went to a Milwaukee Brewers game.  The temperature that day was at least 100.  The game lasted 4 1/2 hours and we stayed for the entire game.  Add in the fact that we got there very early- it added up to a very long, hot, sweaty day.  Milwaukee won in extra innings and my nephew Sean managed to snag a home run ball (although it was hit by a Marlin)- so at least the day ended on a high note.

Unfortunately due to drought conditions out here and the threat of fires, most of the towns near Kathy's cancelled their fireworks display.  I once again watched the Macy's display on television and complained about the terrible camera work.  I mean, who really cares about looking a people pointing and oohing to the sky.  I WANT TO SEE THE FIREWORKS!!!

The drive through Wisconsin yesterday was uneventful.  We saw many, many farms and some beautiful views.  I was driving for much of it so no pictures were taken.  We stopped in Wisconsin Dells for lunch.  I think next summer we shall have to return there for a few days.  We didn't get a chance to go on the few coasters that are there.

Well- everyone is starting to wake up- I'll try and update later on the Mall of America and Valleyfair! Amusement Park. 

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