Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's Opener There... (Part 2)

Perfect opportunity to post....Rich taking kids in the pool while I do laundry.  A bit of a wrinkle in the trip today....we got a flat tire while coming back from Sturgis and Deadwood.   Luckily someone driving behind us noticed and warned us.  We were on the interstate traveling at a high speed and we could have ruined the rim.  All the tire stores around us were closed so Rich will be attempting to get a new one early tomorrow morning.

Anyway--- back to the trip.   As I posted in my earlier blog, the Badlands were incredible.  I really didn't know what to expect.  As we entered the park and began the driving loop I was immediately struck by the vast landscape around us.  Words cannot so justice to what we saw.  I was amazed by the rock formations- and this was just from a distance.  When we pulled into the first viewing area and starting walking down the walkway my awe just grew.  I was shocked when we rounded a bend and came to stairway that led out into the park. I was not aware that the Badlands was an "open hiking" area.  You are allowed to hike and even camp out in the area. (Not that I would ever do that!!)

The kids, especially Maggie and Ian, couldn't wait to begin exploring.  I was so nervous- I didn't want them out of my sight.  It is very easy to lose someone here.  They quickly got the hang of traversing over the rocks and  gullies.  Me, on the other hand, kept slipping.  (I know it may surprise some of you, but I am not known for my grace!)  Rich brought up the rear with Danny (who also climbed better than me.)

I started taking pictures and then- low and behold, my camera card showed full.  It was then I realized that for the first time in the trip I did not bring my camera case with me.  It was all the way back at the car.  I deleted a few pictures, then stole Ian's card, and then misfortune struck again....the battery died and,  like the card, my spare was in the car.  Rich offered to go back, knowing that I certainly wouldn't, or couldn't,  make my way back to the same spot. I had the kids camp out in one spot for about 15 minutes while he went all the way back to the car.  

When he got back to us again we hiked out a bit farther.  The older kids really wanted to climb this very, VERY high peak, but even they couldn't manage.  I finally convinced them it was time to continue on the journey and we went back to the car.

We drove through the rest of the park, stopping occasionally for pictures.  The view was so beautiful around each bend and dip in the road.  If any of you ever makes it out to South Dakota- please make sure you stop in the Badlands.  The barren, yet beautiful landscape really gave me a sense of peace.

Here are just a few pictures- Rich has my camera at the pool and that's where the rest of the pictures are!

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