Friday, July 13, 2012

Once More You'll Ride (Mile) High!!

Our original plan was to detour to Devil's Tower in Wyoming on our way to Denver.  Due to our mishap of the day before, we opted to go straight to Denver.  There really isn't much to say about the ride.  Most of the journey was cutting through Wyoming. 

Wyoming was desolate.  You really could see for miles and miles.  There was nothing that broke up the view except cattle.  That's all I have to say about that.

We arrived in Denver and quickly found our hotel.  I really wanted to try one of the places Guy Fieri visited on "Diners, Drive Ins and Dives."  In looking at my list, we decided on Steuben's Food Service.  I'm glad we did!  Steuben's is housed in a former garage.  If you are ever in the Denver area I recommend trying them.  Everything we ate was delicious.  I had the cayenne etouffee, Rich had trout, and the kids had a cheese steak, pulled pork and slider.  As an appetizer we ate pork bits that were grilled and rolled in powered sugar.  Needless to say, every plate was finished. 

Feeling stuffed, we knew we needed to walk off dinner so we headed to the 16th Ave Pedestrian Walkway.  The street is lined with restaurants, bars and shops and is closed to vehicular traffic.  It was a great night to stroll around.  The area was busy with conventioneers.  We walked for a bit and people watched until bedtime.

The next morning we had reserved a tour of the Denver Mint.  However, we missed our turnoff and got there late.  Although our ticket said no one would be allowed in without a reservation or late, we decided to try to get on the next tour.  The Treasury Department Officer was very nice and said he would try.  Just then a woman and her son came up and said that they had a reservation for seven, but only two of them decided to wake up early for the tour.  Lucky break for us!!  The tour was short, but interesting.  Danny said he learned how to make coins.  As they talked about the commemorative quarter program all of us looked at each other and smiled.  I knew we were all thinking of my Dad.  He probably would have loved going to the Mint.

Elitch Gardens Amusement Park was our next stop, because "Not to See Elitch's is Not to See Denver."  I have decided that I am not destined to ride many coaster this trip.  Out first ride, Sidewinder, was basically Lightning Loops.  I was fine on the forward ride, but as we looped backwards I started feeling ill.  (I am so embarrassed by this.  I feel like a coaster-newbie.)  After that I took my motion sickness pills.  I rode the classic wooden coaster Twister II.  About a half hour later I began to feel as I did at Valleyfair! in Minnesota.  I sent Rich off with the older kids to ride the rest of the coasters and took Danny to the Kiddie Park.  Sitting on a bench, struggling to stay awake, I pulled out my bottle of motion sickness pills.  It was then I discovered what my problem was- I bought the wring kind!  Instead of the non-drowsy formula I had grabbed the regular ones.  No wonder I felt so sick at both parks!!  When Rich joined me I told him about my mistake.  Being the wonderful man that he is, we sat on a bench while Ian and Danny went on kiddie rides together and I took a little nap.

Feeling much better we brought the kids to the attached water park and let them frolic until it closed. 

Leaving the park we drove to Lookout Point on the outskirts of the city of Denver.  Again we saw amazing views.  The one thing I have to say about this trip is that the United States really is a beautiful place.

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