Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Everyone is Just Waiting.

I know it's been a while- we are currently in  Toronto.  Internet connection here has been spotty at best, and I keep getting booted off.  It is frustrating, to say the least, so I haven't been online much since arriving here.

Back to our travels:  We decided to go to Cedar Rapids, MI instead of Detroit.  There is another Cedarfair amusement park not far from there that is included in our season passes.  The drive from Indianapolis went well.  We left early in the morning and arrived by mid afternoon.  As usual the boys wanted to hit the pool at the hotel to decompress after being cooped up in the car all day.
Lunch stop in Michigan

Next morning we headed out to Michigan's Adventure.  This is a smaller park than most (only seven coasters.)  Maggie and Ian did their coaster thing- I did all but the looping coasters- and we even got Danny to go on a few more.  He actually loved them!  Unfortunately the park was rather crowded.  We were hoping to get done early enough to go to another minor league baseball game, but the lines for many of the rides were pretty long.
The boys on one of the coasters

We finished up in the park around 7:00 PM so I decided to drive towards Lake Michigan.  As we headed into the center of Muskegon we started seeing all of these motorcycles.  All of a sudden we rounded a bend and saw thousands of bikes.  Apparently it was "Bike Time" in Muskegon- Rich would have loved it.

We found the road to the lake beach and pulled in to the lot.  Looking out I saw a lighthouse with a pier leading out to it.  Before I could say anything the three kids had their shoes off and we running across the sand.  What really cracked me up was that minutes before Danny had been sleeping and now he was whooping it up as he raced towards the lake!  I let them play for a bit, but I really wanted to walk out to the lighthouse and watch the sunset.

We followed the pier and sat under the lighthouse as the sun went down. It was a really nice moment for us. Lake Michigan was beautiful and it was nice to watch the boats go by.   Walking back Danny begged to go to the playground on the beach so I let him play there for a bit.  As usual we had no idea how to make it back to the main highway so we just headed in what I hoped was the right direction.  Thankfully it was and we made it back to the hotel.  

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