Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Ville

The following is a brief interruption by Maggie who wants to tell the story of half of today's events. The setting is St. Louis. 

Ahem. Just saying- none of this was my fault. It was the map's entirely. 

The problems (somewhat) started right after we dropped my father off at the airport. We were hungry. And I wanted to go to a bookstore. So we decided to go to a mall. Cause there are bookstores, more often then not, in them. So I found a mall in the book-thing and successfully navigated us to food and books. We ate. Then I got my book. (SO VERY HAPPY. YESSSSSS.) It was 4:30ish when we returned to the car but everything closes at 5 so we couldn't really do anything. But mi madre wanted to go see the Basillica Cathedral. So we set out to find it.

There were 4 mini maps I was using as reference. I basically had no idea where we where, except that we were in the general area of St. Louis. Slowly we did make our way back to the city part but- we still didn't know where on the map we were. We would pass-by streets that where no-where to be seen on paper and that was when I realized- we were somewhat lost. And then we drove into- Da' Ville.

Lots of abandoned buildings and shady looking people walking 'bout.

And then we all died. Nope. Then we found the Church!
Nope. That wasn't it either. But thanks to finding a map that has all the streets we got to the really fancy neighborhood and found the really fancy church. Yay!

And then I played with stamps. But that was the end of our fun. Until Niagara Falls and someone falls over 'accidentally'.


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