Friday, July 13, 2012

Grind On For Miles ....

Friday the 13th.....about half way through the trip.....wake up to a toilet that isn't working..... the day was not starting well.  This is our longest travel day of the trip.  We are travelling from Denver, across Kansas to Kansas City, MO. 

Currently we are about 2/3 of the way there and as there really is nothing to report I am going to take this time for a few mid-trip comments and observations.

The trip so far has gone remarkably well.  I thank God every day that my kids are such great travelers.  That is not to say there hasn't been bickering, but they really cope well with long car rides.

Danny has been treating us to facts about all the states we have been to.  And when he's done with that, he picks a random state to tell us about.  Did you know that it is legal in West Virginia to bring road kill home for dinner?  (Not breakfast or lunch, dinner only.)  He has been a constant source of amusement to us.  He asks questions that can stump anyone.  (What does the Devil look like?  Where is hell?  Can I say hell in school, or will I get in trouble?)  It has been wonderful seeing this country through his eyes.

Ian has been the ever-sweet and conscientious child that he always is.  He sits in the back with Danny and plays with him.  He is always concerned about how I am feeling and what everyone else wants to do.  He's the ice getter in the hotels, and the quickest to get ready to go.  He carries more luggage than the others and will always offer to come with me when I forget something in the car (which happens often.)  He is quick to smile and rarely complains.  He is growing up so quickly and I know will be a man to make any mother proud.

Maggie is well, Maggie.  She's quirky and funny and exasperating all at once.  She's suffering from sleep deprivation but still will read for hours at night. (At least I think that's what she is doing.)  She is our videographer extraordinaire.  It will be interesting to see what she has filmed this trip.  She has been searching for license plates from all 50 states and only needs about a dozen more.   She finds humor in much and while her mood can turn on a dime, has coped well with everything, especially annoying little brothers.  I know once Rich leaves I can depend on her to be my copilot.

Things I have learned:
1.  Most restaurants in the Midwest offer more options for people with food allergies.  Almost everywhere we have gone there has been a large gluten free menu and notes to  ask about other allergy information.
2.  Monuments and parks are much more accessible out here.  I don't know if it is because they are not afraid of vandalism, but everything is so OPEN out here.
3.  The bugs are bigger, especially the ones that get smeared on my windshield. 
4.  Binoculars would have been nice to bring.
5.  According to Maggie, driving is boring.

We have now traveled a total of about 3800 miles since leaving New Jersey on June 30.  I'm looking forward to the next 3800!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the bug thing- they're huge and you have to clean the windshield a lot . Yes, Dan you'll get I'm trouble of u say hell. As for what it looks like, I can't say for sure bit I have a sneaking suspicion it looks a lot like parts of Utica, NY. Or maybe Flint, MI....

    Glad you're having fun!
